Periodically, RDRD Bible Study posts feature column “A Date to Memorize” (DTM for short), which specifies a date and the significance of that date. “Before” and “after” event(s) will be included for your historical enjoyment. But mostly “before” and “after” event(s) are included to aid the pursuit of studying the Bible effectively.
What To Do With A Date To Memorize Post
Look at the date and what happened on that date.
Think about the significance of the feature date, in this case AD 1444, related to the before and after dates that follow.
Then ask:
- What led to this event?
- How did this event effect the future?
- Why is this event significant for Christian History?
If you answer “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know yet,” no problem. Bookmark this page and come back later to answer.
AD 1444 – Johannes Gutenberg Invented The Printing Press
Gutenberg printing press; notice the typesetter on the right. (Daniel Chodowiecki [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)
The Printing Press As An Agent Of Change
According to Elizabeth Eisenstein (1923-2016), early printing historian and author of “The Printing Press as an Agent of Change“:
The Printing Revolution occurred when the spread of the printing press facilitated the wide circulation of information and ideas, acting as an “agent of change” through the societies that it reached.
Before And After AD 1444
AD 1054 – Great Schism, aka East (Eastern Orthodox) and West (Roman Catholic) Church Division (that’s right, it all started much earlier than the 1500’s).
AD 1330-1384 – Life of John Wycliffe
AD 1492 – Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
AD 1517 – Martin Luther wrote his Ninety-five Theses
Gutenberg – Iceberg? Imagine Johannes Gutenberg making 1444 copies on a huge iceberg. These memory helps aren’t for everyone, but they really do work. God bless.
After memorizing 1444, think about the before and after dates:
- What led to this event?
- How did this event effect the future?
- Why is this event significant for Christian History?
Leave your answers in the comments.
Until Next Time–
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14